Tips for Overnight Socialites Competition Entrants.
Tip #1: Spread the word about Overnight Socialites. The more people who know about the competition... the more visitors we'll have... which may result in great things happening. Sponsors who may donate gifts. More media attention which means more eyes on you. And on and on and on...
Tip # 2: Tell everyone that you know to visit Overnight Socialites and vote for you. This is fairly self-explanatory. You want to be one of the top twelve, don't you?
Tip # 3: Go out! Tell people who you are and about the Overnight Socialites competition. Tell them that you are more than likely going to be famous. Or not. The point is to get out and be seen. This opens up more photo ops.
Tip # 4: Have your friends (or strangers) take photos of you out on the town and then send them in to Overnight Socialites.
Tip # 5: Do you have a blog page or web site of your own? If you are an Overnight Socialites Competition Entrant, you can go to our Multimedia Gallery, copy a banner, and put it on your site.