Guthy Renker Corporation
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Who will be the next Overnight Socialite?
  GOAL: Create a socialite.
  HOW: A competition utilizing the Internet, videos, blog posts...
  WHO: Women ages 21 and over.
  WHERE: New York City Metro Area
  WHEN: Check our schedule
  PRIZE: Nothing but potential fame.

Invite Our Girls to Your Place.

Daily Ad Spots.
This advertising opportunity is located in two (2) places:

These ads are hyperlinked text that display the name of your event or establishment (no more than 35 character spaces). One day's listing costs $100. Ads must be received by 9:00 PM EST and at least two (2) days prior to the day in which they are to go live. The listing remains under the 'Look Where We're Invited' heading for one day. The listing stays on the 'Look Where We're Invited' page until the end of the Overnight Socialites New York City Competition (see schedule) and gets pushed down with each passing day. Note, there will be more than one listing allowed each day. The order of the listings will be displayed at the sole discretion of Overnight Socialites.

Overnight Socialites makes no claim or guarantee that invitations will be accepted by competition participants. Nor does Overnight Socialites claim any responsibility for the actions or statements made by competition participants outside of this web site. Please read the terms and conditions of use before you submit your invitation or advertisement.

Check out our other advertising opportunities.

How To Order Daily Ad Spots.
1. Read the terms and conditions of use.
2. Send Overnight Socialites an email with the following information:
  • company name
  • contact name
  • contact address, city, state, zip
  • contact telephone number
  • email address (for payment and future contact)
  • desired date for start of ad
  • the name of your event or establishment for text ads
  • linking URL
  • fee total
Send information here.

3. If ad and link are accepted, Overnight Socialites will send you an email with a Paypal payment link.

Guthy Renker Corporation